DVD Books for your Kidz!
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About KoolKidz
KoolKidz brings fresh, intelligent programming to today’s sophisticated children. Our mission is to instill pride & knowledge of self, particularly for children of color, with high quality work that both entertains and educates. KoolKidz Television & Publishing produces work appealing to both children and adults. With exciting characters, terrific stories and amazing music, we teach important lessons for life. All programs contain original artwork & music.


I dedicate this particular blog post to the late Carolyn McKeown who wrote the short story, and to my daughter, Christina, who learned about courage just from watching this delightful dvd. Christina writes, "Wormhead is about a girl who has locks like a worm. Kids should read this because it will teach them not to make fun of anyone. I liked it because it teaches a lot. And at the end they don’t make fun of Nia anymore because her other friend sticks up for her."
The late author Carolyn McKeown, has a delightful style, and demonstrates a respect for the rhythm of children in this story. Rich McKeown has dedicated this piece to her memory. Carolyn succumbed to breast cancer in January, 2003.

Wormhead, KoolKidz Television and Publishing, LLC, 2006; 13 mins.; $15.00; for ages 5 to 12. This thoughtfully produced program takes the cake when it comes to positive modeling. Kids identify with this wonderful, gentle story about fear and intolerance - and find ways to turn those feelings around.
— National Parenting Publications Association
Wormhead, The story is well told and to the point. Zoelle Montgomery's soothing narrative effectively reflects the tenderness displayed in the soft pastel-pencil drawings. Young children will easily see that differences are not a cause of fear and dislike.
— Debra McLoed, Booklist, Vol. 103, No.21, July 2007

Wormhead, This short animated feature is filled with outstanding illustrations and narration and is an award winner. It teaches as well as entertains. Young children will enjoy it.
— Edwin L. Carpenter, The Dove Foundation
WORMHEAD is a kid's animation telling the story of getting along with people who are slightly different. Her classmates ostracize a young girl with braided hair. With a soothing tenor, this story lectures kids about diversity and tolerance. A wonderful message.
— Texas Black Film Festival